Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reflect on your day....

Then watch this:

Yeah, you don't have it so bad after all, do you?

Thanks to all of our military men & women, who bravely and unselfishly serve both here and overseas ensuring our continued freedom.


AlaneM said...

Thanks for posting this. It always amazes me what we take for granted in this country.

Unknown said...

This is so good. I want to put it on my blog too. Thank you. God bless.

Devin said...

It's impossible not to comment today....

Thank you Jesus, for the sweet men and women--and their families, the ones who love them so much--who are, right NOW, sacrificing so much for the very freedoms we take for granted every single moment....

Keep them safe, and bring them home soon.

Nanny said...

I know a few neighbors I could send this link to. Definately makes you think or Re-think your position on the war.

Thanks for posting this.