Oh, and for those of you who have expressed interest in our kitchen remodeling service...sure, we'll be glad to come out, if you can supply room and board for the whole family (in addition to the cost of materials), and you don't mind if we work until 4:00am...LOL
And specifically for Heather, I don't know if we could do granite - that might cost extra!! ha ha
Just for Destini, I'm not sure if we're ready to expand our services to hardwood floors just yet...LOL
Amanda, I PROMISE that if TLC or one of those other types of channels comes a callin', I will still find time to blog! And just think, then you'd know someone FAMOUS! (BIG HA HA HA on that one!)
And for anyone else who left a nice comment for me, I swear, we're REALLY not that nice. Talented, YES, nice....not so much. (Man, call me butter, 'cause I am on a ROLL, baby!)
Have a great day!