Friday, June 27, 2008

A contest, a contest!!!! Whoo-HOO!

Um...So I didn't win. I'm really MAD happy for the winner, Jenn. I hope your new PT shirt gets lost in the mail is a fun addition to your wardrobe. Really. (Honest...I was just kidding about being mad!)

I like contests. Okay, honestly, I LOVE them. Unfortunately, I rarely ever win. But I pretend that I don't mind.

I was checking out some of my favorite blogs this morning...

Hey, while you're here, look at my new sidebar set-up. I got rid of a lot of junk, and now my fave blogs are listed in order of when they were updated last. SUH-WEET!!!

Okay, back to the topic at hand. So I was on my friend Amanda's blog, and discovered that she snuck in a contest sometime yesterday when I wasn't looking. (HA, now you won't be able to let anything past me, since I will see just when your blog is updated!!)

The jist of the contest is that you leave a comment under THIS POST, and Amanda will choose the winner next Tuesday. She will send the winner an ARMY PT shirt. The winner will then need to host a contest on his/her blog. It's called a Pay it Forward contest. Sounds like it's easy enough to get over there and enter!! I already did.


coolingstar9 said...

Contest is really fun to participate.
We enjoy it in the process.
Have a great day.
Best wishes from coolingstar9 Singapore

amanda said...

my moms might get made that you are publicizing the contest over here...just kidding. I love contests I said...

coolingstar9 did stop by my blog, can I venture a guess, this is not one of your buddies???

best wishes on the contest, it will be random...maybe I'll let mussy pick...

Destini said...

I am not sure what I have commented about lately, so I'll give you some comments all at once! I like the new lay out. For some reason, tidying up the place has done wonders for my computer. I was having a hard time loading your site, then when I tried leaving comments, it would freeze up my 'puter. Not sure what was going on there, but my 'puter really seems to agree with the new digs.
I LOVE your new do! Very "sassy" I really need to get some color in mine. The little one is really causing me to go gray.
Have a great day today!

Nanny said...

Yes, I have to agree with Destini--My "puter" (*snicker* that word just makes me laugh) Loves the new blog layout. Thanks for the add to your Favorite reads sidebar.

Oh and I entered the contest! Hope the Mom's don't mind.

Devin said...

Okay....first things first!

The hair looks AWESOME! I personally liked the look of the before shot :-) for a great laugh, but seriously, I love the hair!

I so wish I was getting my hair cut soon....I do the same 6 month routine, too. It just costs so much!

And, YAY!! I got added to your favs! Hooray for me :-) *giggle*

Talk to you later, I'm still buried under laundry/housework!

amanda said...

I know how you feel Julie...I thought about sending you a heads-up to let you down easy =)