Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby You're A Star!

In a brief moment of creativity, (I have those sometimes) I decided to make some special pancakes for breakfast this morning. Unfortunately, I could only find one mold, and it would have taken forever to make all of them this way, so I only made 3 (the rest were just round). But the girls thought they were pretty cool....


Devin said...

Very Nice!

It amazes me how children will eat the same old thing just because it is a different shape... in point, Burger King chicken nuggets.

They are in the shape of a crown, and the boys think they are the coolest.

You would have thought those things were dipped in gold or something the way they react!

Cute idea Julie!

amanda said...

yum - and your pancakes look so fluffy! ooh la la...

its the little things...

Beck said...

Your making me hungry for pancakes! How adorable your little girls are, and so lucky to have such a fun Momma who makes cool stuff! :)

12-arrows said...

Aren't you just the creative one! makes the rest of us moms look bad, well I can't help that I am not creative, I was born that way! LOL! Hey by the way I love that fleece blanket, its adorable! Way to go!

Nanny said...

Pancakes are a favorite at our house too! I can't take time to be fancy with them. Just get them on the table as quick as possible to feed hungry boys. LOL