Hooray for snow days!
This is the view from the road to our house. A stupid tree branch fell and got snow all over the driveway after I had gotten it all cleared off.

This is the big pine tree that I L-O-V-E but it drips sap all over my van. Wow, I never noticed just how big that tree is!

Some downed branches in the yard (the snow is super heavy - great for snowballs and snow forts!) I haven't ventured into the back yard yet, but I know there's some back there, too.

Guess we won't be using the swing set today.

Bug, in one of her SWEET sleep ensembles, relaxing on the couch while watching one of our favorite Christmas movies....ELF!

Hope you're having a great day....even if you didn't get a snow day today! Oh, and later I might be posting some pictures of our NEW Christmas tree!
well..it's more like a green day here--sunny and 50 and we went to the park! weird! i like your snow pictures!
isn't just beautiful? and weren't you just thrilled for a snowday? it was great fun around here. We had to make a mad dash to Meijer for some snow pants and then it was outside for some snow fun!
such pretty pictures. I love snow (from inside). So, I was just pretending like I was looking out my window instead of at my computer screen. Thanks!
Wilson liked looking too... I think he finally realizes that we probably won't get snow here - last year he kept hoping & hoping... (and the year before that when we were in MI for a month, we didn't get more than a dusting of snow - go figure!)
Oooh, we LOVE Elf too! :-)
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