Faith Michelle Dell (along with her identical twin Ashleigh) was born July 11, 2005. The girls were born prematurely as a result of Twin to Twin Transfer Syndrome. While Ashleigh's health began to improve, Faith's did not, and she passed away after 6 months and 27 days here on earth.
If you would, please take some time to pray for Todd (my friend), his wife Michelle, their surviving children son Parker, and daughter Ashleigh. I can't even imagine what they must be going through right now.
Thanks so much.
Oh, Julie.
I visited their's just so sad. There are no words, you know?
I actually know all about TTTS. A friend of mine miraculously birthed twin girls WITH this disease, and it was touch and go through the whole pregnancy--and one of the blogs on my side bar (it's a corny life) had a daughter die of this too. It's a terrible thing...I will be visiting them and praying for their family.
I didn't leave a comment, but I may in the future.
Love ya girl.
oh how sad! praying!
What a sad situation. I have prayed as you asked. There are so many stories and so many needs.
Thank you also for your encouraging words! Love you!
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