Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back by Popular Demand!!

Okay, so I'm breaking the rules and posting funny stuff even without Ande's permission...LOL. Things have been a little busy around here and I just haven't had a lot of time to actually sit down and post stuff. Plus, I got tagged, and I had to come up with my answers and figure out how on earth I was going to tag 7 people, since I've pretty much exhausted my resources of blogger friends. You'll see what I ended up doing later....

First things are you all at math? I'm not the greatest, but I thought I'd share a couple of story problems with you...

Once, there was a little girl.
She was a happy little girl (and cute as a button, I might add)

One day, she met a handsome little boy.

Eventually, they had a baby.
Who does she look like?
Okay, next problem...

Same little girl, different picture...

Same little boy (sorry, only have this one picture at my disposal right now...)

And they had ANOTHER baby.

Who did she look like?

I guess I never knew that A + B = A!! (No wonder I didn't do so great in algebra!) Since my older kids don't really resemble me, I LOVE it that Puckey and The Jib do!!

Okay, now, I've been tagged AGAIN. I'm beginning to run out of unique answers for these things, but I'll try to be as interesting as I can. Here goes:

Mary, at Mom2-2GoodBoys, tagged me. I have to tell her (and you, my reading audience) 7 interesting things about myself, then tag 7 other people to do the same. I can't guarantee how interesting they will be, but I'll try.
  1. When I get to Heaven, I get to meet my 3 older brothers. That will be cool!
  2. I can wiggle my right ear and my nose.
  3. I have been friends with my best girl friend for 20 years. We met in 7th grade gym class.
  4. I played Thomas Edison in a school play when I was in 4th grade.
  5. I still have all 4 of my grandparents.
  6. My husband and I worked for the same company for over a year before we met.
  7. One of my favorite veggies is spinach.

Man, that was kind of hard! I'm really not a very interesting person. Okay, so now I have to find 7 people to tag. I only had 1 person left out of my friends that I haven't tagged yet, so of course, she's first on the list...

Destini - who is one of the kindest people I know (hey, you asked for a post, you got one, sister!)

Now...where to get the other 6? Well, when all else fails, just randomly pick out people from the blogger world. So, here's the other 6...

Keely - because I love her name and I think we may be similar in our thinking...

Faithful Chick - because her blog is pretty...and she is apparently a master of the computer, according to her son!

Emily - because she gives some good tips she learned about saving money at the grocery store.

Suzanne - her hubby works for Starbucks. Need I say more?

Rachel - because her most recent post is pictures of an 80's party.

Sweetly Broken - because she seems to have a good sense of humor.

Wow, that was REALLY hard! I don't know any of the above-mentioned women, so I can't say whether or not they will respond. I hope so, because I really enjoy reading other people's perspectives on things, and it would be fun to add some new "blogger friends" to my list....


Destini said...

It's about time! I've been on pins and needles all morning waiting for something from you...just kidding...Thanks for the kind words about're so sweet! The tag thing...that might take a while to come up with something interesting to say. My SIL is named funny! I used to think Jib and Puckey really favored your DH. Puckey really reminded me of Nans...So cool when you find that they resemble you! I LOVE it! I have no clue who to tag...I really don't know anyone on my list...I pretty much just stalk their sites and pray for them...Last good to have you back!

Destini said...

One other thing...I think there is a pic of me floating around my mom's somewhere with the same shaggy green carpeted weird!

Julie said...

Sheesh! You must have commented about 5 seconds after I posted this! HA HA HA

When I picked my other 6 tags, I literally just picked blogs of people who I don't know and have never read until today. I did try to find Christians, though, as to keep the content "PG" or better...

fAiThFuL cHiCk said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to "meet" you. I will complete the tag here, if that's okay....

1. I like to drink pickle juice straight from the jar.
2. I could watch Cosby show re-runs until my eyes dryed up.
3. I have no shame about belting out songs in my car...even if someone is watching at a red light.
4. I have never had a broken bone.
5. I fall asleep very quickly...and have even done it at a traffic light!
6. I have a birthmark shaped like Africa on the back of my knee.
7. I'm sick of myself and cannot think of another one.

God Bless!

amanda said...

they DO look like you, so cute!

Nanny said...

Hi Julie~

Prayers heading your way! Now we know why you haven't posted. I knew there was something not right when you left the last comment on my blog...

Thanks for the link back. I hope the other bloggers humor us with their list of 7 interesting things.

By the way, my son David can wiggle both his ears. Weird! We laugh everytime he does it.


Anonymous said...

Julie, I don't know exactly what I'm doing with the tag thing (I'm a bit challenged with lingo and how to apply it...) but I'm responding to your tag...thanks for picking me! It's weird to think people I've never met are out there in the great computer black space, reading about my life, my sin, and God's grace to me! I'll post the "seven interesting things" on my blog as soon as I can think of some!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, apparently, I can't even get the publish comment thing right! That's me ..."anonymous"

Anonymous said...

For the third time, this is Sweetly Broken!