Friday, April 17, 2009

I get to go on a date tomorrow night....

YAHOO! Ande and I never got to go out to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary back in March. I was a little disappointed, but life happens and sometimes you just can't do what you want when you want to...

This afternoon I got a call from him telling me to "put on my dancing shoes"...HUH??? Since we don't go dancing, that made no sense. Turns out Ande was trying to tell me that we are going on a date tomorrow night to Ann Arbor. I hope the weather is nice, because it's a LOT more fun to walk around down there when it is.

Maybe, if I remember, I'll take the camera and take some pictures. I wouldn't count on it though, mommy brain and all...


Nanny said...

Have a great time on your Anniversary Date! You know It's never too late to celebrate!

If the weather is anything like it was today, you will have a wonderful time walking around downtown AA.

amanda said...

enjoy it! special times together are such treasures. I hope you have splendid weather =)

Devin said...

Oh Julie! Hope you are having a wonderful time with Ande today...can't wait to see pictures! :-)

12-arrows said...

Awesome for you and Ande! I know how tough it is to schedule, and thats too bad that we have too do that too, time with our husbands! and the weather was gorgeous too for you guys to hit MI town!

Hey did I miss our dinner out? I can't remember what the date was.

Michelle said...

We are FINALLY having a date tonight. After almost a month.