Monday, January 5, 2009

'Cause Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout a Sharp-Dressed Man?

May I present Ande, my fun-loving husband, in his 2009 Annual New Year's Day Ensemble (which he wore to his family Christmas Party):

Always fashion-conscious, Ande makes sure he gets every detail right. Notice the green glasses to coordinate with his outfit. He is also sporting a snazzy white belt.

A good fit is IMPERATIVE (notice the sleeves are far too short, which is what he was going for)

One must know how to pose for maximum impact.

Outerwear must compliment the outfit without taking away from it.
Last, but certainly not least - the shoes can make or break an outfit.
And to think he already owned all of this stuff. The funniest thing? He refuses to dress up for Halloween.


Shelly said...


Devin said...

Good thing he is already snatched up....the girls go crazy for men dressed like that, don't cha know?!

Destini said...

He is too funny...When did he grow a beard?

I'm sorry that your Crhistmas was not the greatest. I'm praying for your new Year!

amanda said...

tell Ande thanks for the chuckle... Is it hard for you to go with him??? How funny! Thanks for posting... I loved how you broke it all down too...

Beck said...

wow I am speechless. The shoes reminded me of PeeWee.......then when I got to the picture w/ the leather jacket on he looked like Chevy Chase from Vacation. So amazing. Who knew Halloween came in Jan in your house! :) Fun times........thanks for the good laugh!

Nanny said...

OMG I'm Speechless too! He's not Clark Griswold....He's Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon's Vacation. Remember he gave Clark a pair of white shoes.... Too Funnnnny!!!

12-arrows said...

WOW! he has quite the beard. Almost didn't recognize him. I remember when you all came to our house a few years ago on New Years Eve all dressed in the 60's. You made us all laugh!