This tip comes from real life experience...
When hand-washing your "sharp as a samurai sword" apple corer, use EXTREME caution. Otherwise you might end up shearing off half of your thumbnail (the nailbed part). This will cause you to have to spend the next several days being careful not to bump your thumb or exert any pressure with it due to such actions causing extreme pain.
The upside of this incident is knowing that if anyone were to break into our home, I could use the apple corer as a weapon against them. I Ymulti-purpose kitchen tools!
I will most certainly remember that! I'd be lost without your wisdom :)
Have a great day!
BOTH Hubby and I did the same damn thing. That thing is wonderfully but deadly sharp. How is ur nail? Your hubby is hilariousssssss
Thanks for the link help i will try it
Thanks for the words of advice... I think I have one of those lurking in my drawer!
Happy New Year...
kitchen tools are dangerous things!!! thanks for the tip, I'll be on guard!
OK thank you for confirming I am never allowed to buy one of those. I can cut myself on child proof scissors I'm sure I would show how put an eye out w/ an apple corer. Chuck it at a intruders head and watch what happens!
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